• Meal Planning

    You know what I dislike most? Meal prepping.
    I hate doing it. But one thing that has truly helped not just eat whatever is meal planning. Totally a separate and less overwhelming thing from prepping!
    By taking the time to plan out your meals in advance, you can ensure that you are fueling your body with nutritious, balanced options that will help you reach your goals. Say goodbye to impulse snacking and unhealthy takeout, and hello to a healthier, happier you!
    Here are some things on my dinner plan for the week:
    Shrimp and veggies with rice
    Slow Cooker Burrito Bowl
    Chicken Teriyaki Bowl
    White Chicken Chili


    Get your 30 minute meal ebook. Click on the photo.
  • Change starts with your mindset

    It’s incredible the changes my husband has made over the past 6 months. He started out small, working out on his own, and then decided to jump into my weight lifting program and is now on his second round! He has so much more energy just to do daily activities and has so much more stamina. It wasn’t long ago just doing chores he would need to take frequent breaks and today we have been doing chores non stop since 8am.
    This weekend he went to his first event with one of our super trainers and even worked out with us! if you would have told me he would be doing this a year ago I would have laughed in your face and said “yeah right! “. It wasn’t his thing.
    But something clicked for him over the past few months. It wasn’t because I was doing anything. It was because he decided it for himself. No one is going to motivate, push, or hold your hand to do anything. You have to want to make the changes for yourself or it will never happen. And the biggest difference was following the tools that get results.
    And if you are ready to join in with us and get those tools for yourself, my inbox is open!