That one time we played in leaves covered in dog pee…
That one time we played in leaves covered in dog pee…when in London right? ? true story.
it’s almost 1 year ago I made my first trip ever to England to open my company in the UK with my best friends and we couldn’t help but be so bewildered by the beauty of the huge trees, the gorgeous architecture, the amazing parks, people and food.
I have fallen in love with #london and its beauty and am so grateful to be able to travel across the world with my best friends because of an online health and fitness business that I started 8 years ago because I was broke and tired of not fitting into my clothes anymore. just that ONE choice to make a difference in MY health turned into something SOOOO much more!
You never know what you can do and achieve in a few years from now. I never dreamed the things I have done were possible when I started but they became possible with the relentlessness I had on my business and health to thrive.
if you want to know more, fill out the form below and let’s connect! I will tell you more about the dog pee story.