be more like?
Do you know somebody with a resting grinch face?
I’ll admit, I definitely have one and it’s super annoying to be told to “smile, it’s not that bad” … when all you are thinking about is walking down the hall to go pee because you have been busy working and holding it for so long. ?
but I am the most friendly person you will meet.. some people just have a grinch attitude and just want to argue over everything for the sake of arguing. you know, the person you dread to be around because they just bring negativity to a whole room?
THOSE people you cannot help. they have to see how dim they are being. and if your first thought in a conversation is to say someone is wrong, try to argue your point, get offended by how they just dont understand, trying to prove a point to how wrong someone is feeling because you dont feel that way, chances are it’s “you” who is the grinch.