
Habit is created by consistency

I actually hate working out.?
I would rather be doing other things BUT I LOVE:
? the feeling after of having sweat dripping off my face
? how I have energy to take on the day
? that my clothes fit better
? how my anxiety is less
? that I can be an example to my kids that even if you dont want to so something, you do it anyway because there are greater benefits

Habit is created by consistency regardless of what you feel like doing. And I am super grateful for my virtual bootcamp that holds me accountable too!

do you struggle with working out each day? here are my top tips.
?take your pre workout.
?make an appointment to yourself for a time to workout every day
? push play even when you are fighting yourself in your head. after 5 min you wont stop because action creates more action
? grab a friend or get into my virtual bootcamp and let’s hold each other accountable!