Spring Clean Habits
Its time to spring clean all your mental habits. Here are 4 ways to improve your daily habits that may be dragging you down.
1. Release Criticisms—But Hold On to Compliments… Anytime someone says something great about you, put it away in a file folder! That way when you are feeling down or not worthy, read the gratitude others have for you and it will improve your mood!
2. Match Your Actions and Ambitions: A frequent source of unhappiness: not matching what we do with what we want.Your behavior has to back up your words. Instead of constantly thinking about your future in terms of “What’s next?” reflect on the question, “What can I do right now?
3. Toss Aside Your ‘Expert’ Hat: Becoming an expert can lead to being stuck in our ways. So become a beginner! If there is something you have always wanted to do, create new habits in learning something new.
4. Seriously, Let Your Brain Rest: Working harder doesnt mean smarter! Create breaks in your routine to rejuvenate motivation.