• What are you waiting for?

    Even Bell and Tebow are wondering what you are waiting for! how many times in life do we just wait for things to happen vs making them happen for ourselves? Or we dont take the paths put in front of us due to fear of the unknown?

    come learn in this free info group on what it is I do as a coach, how we earn to afford these two cute faces and more, and what it takes to build a multiple 6 figure business through social media while working on yourself and making all the unknowns known!!

    to join fill out the app below!
    “Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located at http://tbbcoa.ch/TBB_SOICE for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.”

    Team 2 Legit Coach Application
    Fields marked with an <span class="ninja-forms-req-symbol">*</span> are required
    Where do you reside? *
    Do you have a Team Beachbody Coach? *
    Are you an active USA military member or spouse, or veteran of the military? *
    Which describes you best: *
    Are you: *
    Check all that apply *
    Which BEST describes YOUR GOAL as a coach? *
    Check all that describe you! *
    How did you find me? *
  • Let’s support each other…

    Ladies! Can we stop being catty and judgy already?

    today someone said I was brain washed for the job choice I made of working in network marketing. Why cant we just support each other?

    you dont have to get what i do, but you don’t have to put down something that has given me more purpose and passion in life to where I have helped hundreds of people have belief, confidence, and self love again. and to where I can now spend time with my family. who’s to say what is right or wrong on that?!

    shouldnt we celebrate each other and cheer each other on? I tell my daughter to stay away from people that dont support her no matter what because those are the people that will turn on you in a second or are just takers and will never give.

    so ladies, let’s just support each other, double tap ❤ or leave a comment on your fellow women’s posts, and let’s rise against being rude, casting judgment, and degrading each other on life choices that make people happier. Dont bring others down to your misery.