• You won’t get it sitting on the couch…

    “Do today what others won’t and achieve tomorrow what others can’t.”
    ~ Jerry Rice

    How true is this? Most people are not willing to do what is required. Its great if it happens but many are willing to sit back and hope, dream, pray, that it comes without putting in any effort. I hate to be the one to tell you but you wont get anywhere by sitting on the couch doing nothing. The only way you will achieve success is getting up and going after it. <3

  • What are you waiting for….

    Coaches come from all walks of life… all ages and shapes and backgrounds. But one common thread we all have is starting from a need of wanting change in our life.

    that change of creating a healthier version of themselves, confidence, happiness, then creates a passion and purpose to inspire others and THEN their life changes even more financially.

    it’s my favorite thing to see my team grow and experience things they didnt think was possible for themselves and totally crush it.

    as I head home and start my new coach mentorship tomorrow, I challenge you to find the belief to know you are worth it. Worthy of feeling amazing, having energy, of being selfish for 20 min a day and getting in a workout and worthy of being on our team.

    what are you waiting for?