• one decision to take action…

    anyone else watch “a shoe addicts Christmas” on the hallmark channel last night?
    what a powerful message of not letting those simple signs go by and waiting for this big magical moment to change your life.
    one decision to take action when that sign comes along can be the difference of your life changing forever…and that sign may not come along again and we miss out on something because we were too busy or it wasnt the right timing (newsflash!! there is no right timing).
    how great was that movie⁉️
    if you have been wanting to work on your nutrition or fitness or just your health, or wanted to build a life you have dreamed of and needed an outlet to get you there, this is your sign!
    the cyber Monday deals are happening right now! click on the group here and put “alesha rose” in who invited you! I have the best deals happening right now!

  • “keep your squats low and your standards high.”

    “keep your squats low and your standards high.”

    this month it’s been tough getting motivated. I have been having this battle in my brain to workout every day for a few hours to do a 25 minute workout.

    i have to tell myself : 
    ➡️ it’s only 25 minutes
    ➡️ I will feel amazing after
    ➡️ I will regret not doing it
    ➡️ I cant shower until I do it
    ➡️ I came so far in my journey… no longer feeling uncomfortable in my clothes and not dreading the holiday weight gain… I’m not going back to where I used to be

    it’s not just about weight loss and it’s not always going to be something you want to do every day. but every day you press play you are one step closer to your goals.

    what do you tell yourself to get your workout done?