Is there ever a good time?
I would but it’s not a good time. Is there EVER a “good” time? ?
Believe me, I was queen of no time. Between work, army, school full time, kids, and coaching soccer, I had 0 time.
But I was tired of staying where I was at. I feared being unhappy with my weight, unhappy with my career and finances, and just unhappy in life. ? I knew the only thing that could change my circumstance was me.
So I did something about it instead. I started with a home fitness program and got up at 4am to do it before work. Did it suck? Heck yes. But I lost 25 lbs..it was worth every early morning.
It’s when you are so tired of where you are at, nothing is going to stand in your way from achieving it?. And now I have all the time in the world to do the things I love.
If you’re interested in getting a no pressure, no strings attached sneak peek into my secret community today, to helping you lose the weight and reach financial stability and creating more time…fill out the form below!
I have failed..
Yup.. I have failed. But I learned how to THRIVE from all those failures.
You cannot make it through life without failing…. so why is everyone so afraid to take chances, to make mistakes, to learn and grow? It didnt take one time to create electricity?️?….or more relatable, to learn how to walk, to write or do cursive, or to figure out how to cook. It took practice and doing it wrong over and over in order to get better. Your current job you are at, you didnt know how to do it automatically. You had to learn, make a few mistakes, and get better.
The real cost of being afraid to fail is not trying again and succeeding in your goals and vision. Dont let fear of failing stop you. Let not succeeding drive you and push you to get uncomfortable and fail over and over.